Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Lama tak Update !!!!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Day 4 - i am a muslim
it has been ages as i updated my blog with the 30days challenge. i challenge myself to update my blog every single day, unfortunately it get stuck forever on day 3..so now here i am, in front of bob's lappy, wif my 2 hands will write again..hope it last until the last day.

i am a muslim and that is my religion since the day of my birth to the world...what can i say more. islam is my religion, and nothing could be change as the way it is.
As for me, religion teaches you about life. how you would survive in a world by having so much interference from the good and bad ideology. it is how you would bring yourself to a certain standard. I accept the fact that everything about us is limited. We have limited control over everything including ourselves. Thus, these rules are created just to remind human like us that every single action, comes with certain consequences.
all religions teach their followers to do good deeds and forbid the wrong ones. every religions have their own way of spreading and allows practices in their own way. we do not have a say to other people with their own religion. what need to be reminded of is that whatever you do in this world always have a responsibilities that you need to carry with you all the time. you are big enough to think whats good and bad.
religion taught us about pahala and dosa or sin.its either your next destination would be the heaven or hell. its your own pick. but, that also depends on Allah s.w.t who are the only god that we as muslims need to be obeyed.
other people would love to study islam and would even convert into islam as time goes and as times they discover about islam. what about us who are born and raised as muslims ? wouldnt we want to explore our own religion ?
renung renungkan dan selamat beramal !!!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Day 3 - Avoid it...

Day 2 - Way to a promising career
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Day 1 - Single life it is...
Day 1 - Your current relationship. if single discuss how single life is.
Whatever it takes, i have to admit that i'm SINGLE and still searching for the right person to come..hahaha, sounds over react but that's the fact that i have to rely on. i'm already 27 coming to 28 in another 4 months. it is not to say that either you are single or not u don't know how relationship works or you just go with the flow. i don't deny that i've been into several serious relationship and it ends up with a break off. at times i don't even know who to blame ??. is it me who's being so naive to hold my own relationship to the fullest or its the other party who are not so into it, never knows. for the past 2 years, i just go on with my perfect life and enjoying my social life with all the good friends i have all these years..
i'll probably just writes what came straight to my brain and calculates it and become words..Lol.here goes.
Freedom - being single is the most best thing that you will face in your social cycle. what i meant is you will have a total freedom. is not that by being single you are not free. but your life is not attached to someone else. you can go,do,see whatever,whoever and wherever without thinking that your couples would be asking question like FBI agent or spying on you 24/7.
Be independent - when you are single, you get to create the life that will be meaningful. you are able to do what is most important in your life without thinking that your other half would disagree or disapprove what you want to do in future. if you're single, you can pursue your passions, and you can do whatever that you feel important in your life and no one can be in control except yourself. if we have the other half, we tend to rely on them and when that happens, you become lazy and there will be no "stand on your feet". being single is training you to enjoy life to the fullest and manage oneself on its own.
Mood freaks !! - moods and emotions are always have been the factor for a person to be in a good shape or not. i do not say by being single, you wont get mood freaks, but it is more or less manageable by urself. being or stuck in a relationship will build up all types of feelings. been there done that, that's what o hold those words until now. your emotion will start to go crazy and all the things you do, you will go wild by thinking both sides of the party. whatever you want to do, u must think that maybe the other half might not satisfied or is not the ship as you. you become to conscious and carefully in whatever decision that you will make.
what ever it is if you find that "soul mate" are out there for you, just grab your guts and go on. in a relationship there are give and take. you just can't expect that one day you will find that perfect soulmate because we are humans and we do have our own faults and wrongdoings. i have been single all these while and still hoping that i could find a perfect person that can be my soulmate that i can share my bits of life and if that person is meant to be your soulmate, god will help and show the right path to get together humans to be lovers and ending our lives with peace and harmony.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
blogwriting @ writing enrichment

Khurafat review