Last Saturday, nothing to do at home and so i went to watch "drag me to hell". before went for watching, i did'nt know what the story is all about. plus the actor and actress is not a popular ones. what i remember is that the boyfriend to the heroin is the guy acting in "im not that into you". what plays in my mind is a story that got to do with demons or worshiping demons.
After almost 2 hours spending the movie was an disgusting awful and terribly directed. the acting was horrible. But for me i think the directing went wrong somewhere. There were parts that were a little scary but were quickly blown over by something really stupid. feels like watching scary movie. Most of the "scary" parts were something popping out with the background music blasting out to make the people in the cinema screaming and then laughing. scream and laugh.
But for the most part, it was just super ridiculous. My friend and I kept looking at each other with "WTF" and "shit ive wasted RM8 of my money watching this" faces. At the end, we both shared how we had imagined the writers sitting thinking to have this silly ideas or how scary would this be!? Not! If you're looking for something real, it's not this.go watch some other horror movie.

so here's a sneak synopsis of the story. feels like a contra between the movie and its synopsis.
Christine Brown is an ambitious L.A. loan officer with a charming boyfriend, professor Clay Dalton. Life is good until the mysterious Mrs. Ganush arrives at the bank to beg for an extension on her home loan. Should Christine follow her instincts and give the old woman a break? Or should she deny the extension to impress her boss, Mr. Jacks, and get a leg-up on a promotion? Christine fatefully chooses the latter, shaming Mrs. Ganush and dispossessing her of her home. In retaliation, the old woman places the powerful curse of the Lamia on Christine, transforming her life into a living hell. Haunted by an evil spirit and misunderstood by a skeptical boyfriend, she seeks the aid of seer Rham Jas to save her soul from eternal damnation. To help the shattered Christine return her life to normal, the psychic sets her on a frantic course to reverse the spell. As evil forces close in, Christine must face the unthinkable.
wan, ini Sam Raimi punya cerita haha u should've expect those funny-funny things, sama macam tengok cerita dia yang lain macam Evil Dead, Army of Darkness dan Spiderman, of course. tapi mungkin u are expecting exorcist-type of movie, so kau mesti hampa lah! hahaha
oh,aku tak tau sam raimi buat citer ape..haha..yerp aku expect camtula..tgk tajuk pun dah drag me to hell..tapi hantu dia kelakar giler..
bru plan nk tgk.....nseb ko ckp xbest....
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