Its been a tough day for me yasterday. ive lost my baby,my only so called girlfriend...huhu. She's been taken away by another man. really miss her so much..shit man why im talking crap.

Actually, Its my canon eos 350D which i bought last December 2006 lost in the hands of mat pet the term we called drug guys who break into my house yasterday at around 8.10 am after i & my mum left the house. they break into the house through the house roof n straight to my room. they manage to snatch my camera & my mum jewelery's which cost us both around 6k.
People come & go,so does our stuffs, ill take that as a dugaan for me from Allah which tought me a lesson maybe from what ive done before that i never realize or thinking on a good side it teaches me to be a better strong person. here's some pictures of me with my canon eos 350D when i first bought it.

taken in photo comm class
wan..nasib baik ada gak gambar kenang-kenangan dgn ur gilfren...sabar yer...xpe..kumpul duit balik tp lepas ni kalau beli baru jgn letak kat umah if u think not safe....tak kemana pun pencuri tu wan..selamat kat dunia..kat akhirat tau ler.....dlm tempoh beberapa bulan ni kita tgk jer ler camera tu dlm your blog....rindu yek...sabar..sabar..
syiannn..sabor erk.. takpe ikat perot sket. janji dapat pet baru.
thanks to kak eta n cik pa..tkper..bnda dah nak jadi kan.xleh nak halang..nnti ada la rezeki wan utk beli yg baru kan..insyallah..doa2 kan lah
kesian baby u kan? huu=(
takpe...nnt muncul baby baru...hehe
lose some,gain some..
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