Saturday, August 9, 2008

Agents 080808

Hye,'s a tiring day and all the headache and tension playing in my mind plus all the stress is relieved due to the activity that the no logo pr assoc team ( which is only 10 of us turn up)..did today. since the date is so significance & unique which is unplanned pun.HAHAHA

At first, kenneth & geng mulia had plan to go for a movie, then due to the excitement of going to the beach,they had change the plan. at last we decided to go for here are the pictures took by the new camera of era gediks...hehehe. (juz kidding era),so fist your eyes with our delighted pictures having fun n joyful unite together as friends.

time sengal

me & maya singing samudera

going home time...

well..that's all for now folks,adios.


Ezzeline said...

bestnye memory nie....
i love da date...


yes..080808..nice going guys.

eNatasha said...

me too!

luv the date, luv the activity, luv d orang-orangs!


camera baru era gediks ;p