Sunday, August 31, 2008

Holiday at Colmar Tropicale

Hye Bloggers & Readers,

Last thursday, went to Colmar Tropicale,Bukit tinggi,Pahang. The intention was to release all the tension that was playing in my head plus getting a free holiday trip. I manage to wonder around to botanical garden and the japanese are few of the scenery that i able to captured.enjoy

the daylight scene of colmar tropicale

the night scene of colmar tropicale

japanese village


manster said...

self.indulge in a photo op n dwell in it cause there no one there to tell u what to do or how to do it.the important thing is having fun with it.

personally i'd like it better if u could include some pics of the people around there.maybe some closeup shots of something that intrigues u.or even the architectural design that u find amusing.

just my two cents bro.


thanks bro..actually when i went there, i'm looking forward to meet the jugglers.but there were not there juggling by the sidewalks.and i didn't walk around to see the architecture that triggers me..

BaLQis said...

weh bile ko g sane?

xajak pon.sentap mak!


ari khamis..yg kelas titas ramai x pegi..aku gi ngn kazen aku.mmg x ajak.hehehe